Architecture Firm

Pandemic at the Office! by Erik Hagen

How is COVID changing the practice of business.

Toxic black mold, something that we have been trying to address in our buildings for years. Trying to accommodate an aerosolized virus is not unlike trying to accommodate toxic mold. A lot of the same measures, air control, containment, etc. come into play.

In a reversal of environmental concerns, we’re seeing reusables being denied and single-serving utensils, flatware and disposal items are now sadly overflowing our garbage cans and gutters. This as an opportunity for that sector to fully embrace biodegradables. And maybe, once and for all, the US and Idaho in particular will learn how to recycle ALL the recyclables.

This is all leading to a downsizing of office space or readjusting offices into a more of a shared, traveling desk scenarios allowing for more hiring and expansion without expanding office space.

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Erik Hagen Architecture Gets Fired Up! by Erik Hagen

My design aesthetic is firmly rooted in Scandinavian simplicity, warm woods with hard concrete, plain lines, logical masses. My main focus is to mix a little modern with a little traditional and always try to hide a little gem in each project. Capture the daylight and accentuate the views. Add in some industrial and farmhouse and you are starting to fill out the edges and see the type of architecture that also brought me to Boise.

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